Spring Soccer Registration
When signing up, Parents, Please offer to be a coach/facilitator of a team as we need parent volunteers to help with the teams on the practice and game days.
Be sure to ask your friend/classmates if they would like to give soccer a try.
Competitive and Recreational players will be combined to form the teams.
U8 Age Groups will play 4v4.
U10 & above will play 6v6 or 7v7 based on registrations for each age group.
Spring Soccer U8 and above Starts week of March 5th.
A few items of interest:
New Registration system and everyone will need to create an account
on Playmetrics in order to register.
U6 Spring Academy Monday Nights 6pm - 7pm
The U6 Academy players will be trained by the St. Pete Raiders Training Staff. The format will be similar to the practice schedule for the Fall & Winter season, 25 mins of instructions and skills games and 25-30 mins of scrimmages.
A few items of interest:
Spring Soccer dates for U6: TBD
St. Pete Little Raiders - Soccer for 3 & 4 year olds
Spring Season: Monday-Saturday (times and location may vary)
Week of TBD - There will be one make-up day offered if needed
7 session season